January 31, 2012

January 29, 2012

Date: January 31, 2012
Day #: 316
Starting Weight: 369
Weight (As of 1/27): 216
Cardio Exercise: 30 Minutes
Food Intake: D-

So vacation was bad. I made some smart choices food wise, but then made some rookie mistakes that I never should have done. On Sunday had just one meal, at the nutritional-information poor Cracker Barrel, just meatloaf and veggies, then nothing else the rest of the day (that was a late lunch, around 2, so it held me). And no popcorn at the movie. The next day ate at this cool chicken joint on Lenox called Roasters, which had black-eyed peas, and had the smallest portion of rotisserie chicken and a baked potato. Problem there was these fluffy rolls. No popcorn at the movies that day either, but I had Twizzlers. The problem that day was that later that evening went to the Majestic Diner on Ponce and had steak fries and a grilled chicken sandwich – which was no a good idea. Tuesday was Bahama Breeze and had these tasty fried chicken sliders, but instead of fries had the fruit side, which was smart of me (smart and fried chicken in the same sentence). I did have popcorn that day. No other meal that day though. The hotel had an exercise room so I was able to 30-6o minutes on the treadmill each day. This may be a day in which I limp into weigh-in. If I could just lose a pound I promise that I will be good. My plan is to eat VERY light Wednesday and Thursday before the weigh-in Friday morning. I was commenting to Scott at one of the restaurants that the old me would see what I could order that would be the biggest portion and scoffed at these people who complained of restaurants that had big portions – now I’m grateful for places with fruit as a side. It does show maturity on my part. Just gotta keep the faith, brotha!

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