February 12, 2012

February 10, 2012: Weight 212

Date: February 12, 2012
Day #: 327
Starting Weight: 369
Weight (As of 2/10): 212
Cardio Exercise: 0 Minutes
Food Intake: F

So on Friday I had lost two pounds – after 600+ minutes of exercise. I’ll be honest, I was a bit disappointed, but it’s better than the alternative. Today we had our cast party with potato salad, fried chicken and cheese balls, etc. I would like to be superior here and talk about how well I did and how I just nibbled at a breadstick, but the reality is my dietary intake was the equivalent of the opening scene of SAVING PRIVATE RYAN…the humanity! I’ve realized what I need to do is have less temptation because without therapy I may not get the realization as to why I have this impulse to cram food into my maw in an embarrassing manner. One of my fellow volunteers brought a bowl of individual Twizzlers and I swear I had at least 50 of them – this was Saturday, and just continuously shoved them in until I was beyond sick. The kudos for the weight loss continue to roll in, but unless I’m controlling my environs I will continuously be at a disadvantage.

February 9, 2012

Halloween 2009, No Padding

Date: February 9, 2012
Day #: 325
Starting Weight: 369
Weight (As of 2/3): 214
Cardio Exercise: 100 Minutes
Food Intake: B
So the week is now at a close and weigh-in is tomorrow. True to my word, I upped the exercise and completed over 600 minutes of walking, often in the cold…where is Spring! It’s interesting, in the past I’ve always liked winter because of the frequency of being wrapped in a blanket, watching TV and eating with no expectations to go outdoors, but now that I want to go outdoors the weather is not cooperating. Will continue with the indoor walking as I go towards the goal. Tomorrow is the last weekend of the show with a buffet planned for Friday night! More navigational diplomacy needed. Tonight at the show several older people I did not know commented to me about how amazing I looked, so each compliment I receive is the equivalent of one slice of pizza, at least that’s how I look at it.

February 6, 2012

LEADING LADIES, Summer 2009, Weight Unknown

Date: February 6, 2012
Day #: 322
Starting Weight: 369
Weight (As of 2/3): 214
Cardio Exercise: 120 Minutes
Food Intake: A
It’s been a decent start to the week, with a concentration on exercise and less caloric intake as an experiment to see of the scales show the attention I deserve on Friday. I keep anticipating spring, so I walked to the gym from the North Shore last night, and the wind coming off the bridge, with me just in a sweatshirt and shorts, was debilitating! But the warm bath when I got home made up for it. I did 40 intense minutes on the treadmill in the morning, with a twenty minute walk each way to the gym and 40 minutes while at the gym. Had McD again yesterday and my potatoes for dinner, so despite having “greasy fast food” I keep my points at half and was not hungry at all; it helped that I had fruit as a snack throughout the day. People continue to be complimentary – at the theatre on Sunday some older man I did not know stopped me and noticed the transformation in hushed tones and looked at me less like a person; I know how Dolly the Cloned Sheep must have felt! The current goal is still to get to 189 pounds, which would be a weight loss of 180. At that point Dr. Kennedy will be able to take the obvious remnants of the weight loss and hack it off. While I am not happy that even after my success surgery has to be performed, I would be disingenuous if I was not honest about the negatives of weight loss. At 43 the body has lost the snap. On a side note, I am going to join the BX so that I can exercise in the day closer to work – they have a yearly fee and I think that would be a nice way to change up the routine; they of course have shorter hours than the Rave’s 24 hour cycle but they are closer to work and I look forward to alienating people there!

February 3, 2012

College, 1989

Date: February 3, 2012
Day #: 319
Starting Weight: 369
Weight (As of 2/3): 214
Cardio Exercise: 60 Minutes
Food Intake: C

So 2 p0unds lost – that was fine, after the bad days in Atlanta I was, of course, hoping not to gain weight, but losing two was a nice bump. There was 20% less exercise this week as well, which may point to more exercise, more weight loss. Makes some sense, right? Of course, it couldn’t have hurt that the past two days have been “A” days of food intake, towing the line with no surprises. Today I kept on track for the most part, although I had dinner at Blacksmith Bistro, with a side Caesar and spaghetti carbonera. No nutritional information provided, so just had to make a guess on the points. More theatre with little to no temptations. So I have now lost 155 pounds. Seem unreal that I was once carrying that much weight around; I now have 25 pounds to go to get to the ideal weight, so I am estimating early April, a bit over a year of the start date and well before the May 3 pilgrimage to New York City. The face is defiantly gaunt and the shaved head I got yesterday at the barber shop may not help the look.

February 2, 2012

Green Room, February 2, 2012

Date: February 2, 2012
Day #: 318
Starting Weight: 369
Weight (As of 1/27): 216
Cardio Exercise: 70 Minutes
Food Intake: A

So I bought a new car today – a 2012 Ford Focus which should get mucho better gas mileage than the Cruiser, but we’ll see. I am glad that I successfully solved problem on my end (with the parent’s wise counsel) and that I faced a potentially stressful day with minimum food intake and no stress eating. The sad part was leaving the Cruiser at the dealer, looking like a sad Mary Blair character. EARNEST started back tonight and Scott brought that lovely container of Kettle Corn cookies to the green room so that all could enjoy, but AHA! I had none! I was quite pleased because there have been plenty of green room food mishaps with me last weekend. Today I had the basic McD visit, which I haven’t had in a while, and then half a potato sautéed with butter for dinner. In between I enjoyed a couple of the Nabisco snack packs (100 calories per pack – the Chips Ahoy! is wonderful!) and some fresh fruit. Why must Granny Smith be so tart! The weather was so nice today that when I got home, before the show, I took a 70 minute constitutional down Mountain Creek Road to Signal Mountain Boulevard. Is winter over? I wouldn’t bet my bippy, but it was good to leave the treadmill for the fresh air. Tomorrow morning is weigh-in; with the atrocious gastronomic behaviors opening weekend and in Atlanta I’m not sure what to expect. I hope to at least break even, but lately the weeks have been fluctuating, which means this week I may make up for the six pounds I lost last week.  

February 1, 2012

The PT Cruiser in the 2011 Pennsylvania March

Date: February 1, 2012
Day #: 317
Starting Weight: 369
Weight (As of 1/27): 216
Cardio Exercise: 90 Minutes
Food Intake: A

So today had several opportunities to demonstrate self-control and personal awareness. My car went to the shop today and I was told the prognosis is not good. Basically the motor is ruined, meaning a $2500-3000 repair job. So obviously it was a stressful day – and in the old days stress meant eating, but I was good and actually had very little food – I realized that my financial dilemma was such that I didn’t need to compound my troubles by feeling bad about the food intake as well. I actually ended up taking my frustrations out on the treadmill, exercising for 90 minutes, half in the morning before the news and half this evening while determining what I was going to do. After taking the wise counsel of my parents I have decided to get a new car, despite the fact that the Cruiser is only half-paid at this point. This entails car shopping which is in itself is stressful. Since this blog is not about car woes I will sum up that I met a stressful day with inner turmoil and not the container of Trader Joe’s Kettle Corn Cookies that were sitting on the counter during my time in the garden.

January 31, 2012

January 29, 2012

Date: January 31, 2012
Day #: 316
Starting Weight: 369
Weight (As of 1/27): 216
Cardio Exercise: 30 Minutes
Food Intake: D-

So vacation was bad. I made some smart choices food wise, but then made some rookie mistakes that I never should have done. On Sunday had just one meal, at the nutritional-information poor Cracker Barrel, just meatloaf and veggies, then nothing else the rest of the day (that was a late lunch, around 2, so it held me). And no popcorn at the movie. The next day ate at this cool chicken joint on Lenox called Roasters, which had black-eyed peas, and had the smallest portion of rotisserie chicken and a baked potato. Problem there was these fluffy rolls. No popcorn at the movies that day either, but I had Twizzlers. The problem that day was that later that evening went to the Majestic Diner on Ponce and had steak fries and a grilled chicken sandwich – which was no a good idea. Tuesday was Bahama Breeze and had these tasty fried chicken sliders, but instead of fries had the fruit side, which was smart of me (smart and fried chicken in the same sentence). I did have popcorn that day. No other meal that day though. The hotel had an exercise room so I was able to 30-6o minutes on the treadmill each day. This may be a day in which I limp into weigh-in. If I could just lose a pound I promise that I will be good. My plan is to eat VERY light Wednesday and Thursday before the weigh-in Friday morning. I was commenting to Scott at one of the restaurants that the old me would see what I could order that would be the biggest portion and scoffed at these people who complained of restaurants that had big portions – now I’m grateful for places with fruit as a side. It does show maturity on my part. Just gotta keep the faith, brotha!